The bouquet “Huge Dose of Love” consists of 130 light pink roses, carefully arranged to create a lavish and elegant display. The roses are fresh and vibrant, with delicate petals in a soft pink hue that symbolize grace, admiration, and gentleness. The bouquet is arranged in a classic round shape, with the roses densely packed together, showcasing their lush blooms. The stems are neatly trimmed and wrapped in a soft, pastel-colored ribbon, adding a touch of sophistication. The overall impression is one of opulence, romance, and tender affection.
VietnamsFlorist Commitment
- Free delivery to 63 cities/provinces all over the country (even remote, mountainous areas and island areas).
- Flowers are always fresh at delivery to receiver.
- Flowers are designed upon design request and art.
- Actual photos of product can be sent upon request.
- Good consulting service and support for customers.