Make every moment special with this exquisite light pink rose bouquet. Featuring fresh, premium-quality pink roses carefully arranged with delicate baby’s breath and lush eucalyptus leaves, this bouquet exudes elegance and charm. Wrapped in sophisticated kraft paper with a rustic rope tie, it is perfect for romantic occasions, anniversaries, birthdays, or as a heartfelt gift to show appreciation.
Occasions: Anniversaries, birthdays, weddings, Valentine’s Day, special surprises
Customization: Available upon request
Give the gift of timeless beauty with this stunning floral arrangement!
VietnamsFlorist Commitment
- Free delivery to 63 cities/provinces all over the country (even remote, mountainous areas and island areas).
- Flowers are always fresh at delivery to receiver.
- Flowers are designed upon design request and art.
- Actual photos of product can be sent upon request.
- Good consulting service and support for customers.